Dolores Acevedo-Garcia
- Acevedo-Garcia, D. and Lochner, K., “Residential Segregation and Health”, in Ichiro Kawachi and Lisa Berkman (eds.), 2001, Neighborhoods and Health, Oxford University Press.
- Acevedo-Garcia, D., “A Conceptual Framework of the Role of Residential Segregation in the Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases”, 2000, Social Science & Medicine 51(8): 1143-1161.
Jomills Henry Braddock II
- Braddock II, J.H., & Gonzalez, A.D.C. (2010). “Social Isolation and Social Cohesion: The Effects of K-12 Neighborhood and School Segregation on Intergroup Orientations.” Teachers College Record Vol.112, Iss.6; p.1631-1653
- O’Bryan, S. T., Braddock II, J.H., & Dawkins, M. P. “Bringing Parents Back In: African American Parental Involvement, Extracurricular Participation, and Educational Policy,” The Journal of Negro Education, 75 (3), 401-414.
- Braddock II, J.H., & Hua, L. “Determining the College Destination of African American High School Seniors: Does College Athletic Reputation Matter?” The Journal of Negro Education, 75 (3), 532-545.
- Braddock II, J.H. “Athletics, Academics, and African American Males”, (2005) Pp.255-283 in O. Fashola. Banks (Ed.) Educating African American Males. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.
- Braddock II, J.H. & Eitle, T. “The Effects of School Desegregation”, (2004) In J. Banks and C. M. Banks (eds.) Handbook of Research on Multicultural Education, 2nd Edition.
- Rodriguez, A. & Braddock, J. H. “Race Athletic Involvement and the American Dream: How participation in School Sport May Influence Life Chance Perceptions among Ethnically Diverse Students” (2003) Pp. 215-250 in C. Yeakey & R. Henderson (eds.) Surmounting All Odds: Equalizing Educational Opportunity in the New Millennium.
- Braddock II, J.H., McPartland, J.M., “Equality of Opportunity”, E.F. Borgatta, M.L. Borgatta (eds.) Encyclopedia of Sociology, Macmillan, New York 2002.
- Braddock II, J.H., Dawkins, M.P., Wilson, G., “Intercultural Contact and Race Relations among African Youth”, W. Hawley, A. Jackson (Eds.) Toward a Common Destiny: Improving Race Relations in American Society, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 237-256 (1995)
- Dawkins, M.P. and Braddock II, J.H., “The Continuing Significance of Desegregation: School Racial Composition and African American Inclusion in American Society”. Journal of Negro Education, 63 (3); 394-405 (1994).
- Braddock II, J.H., Dawkins, M.P., Trent, W., “Why Desegregate? The Effect of School Desegregation on Adult Occupational Desegregation of African Americans, Whites and Hispanics”, International Journal of Contemporary Sociology, 31: 273-283 (1994)
Casey Cobb
- Bifulco, R., Cobb, C. D., & Bell, C. (2009). Can interdistrict choice boost student achievement? The case of Connecticut’s interdistrict magnet school program. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 31(4), 323-345.
- Cobb, C. D., & Glass, G. V (2009). School choice in a post-desegregation world. Peabody Journal of Education, 84(2), 262-278
- Cobb, C. D., & Rallis, S. F. (2008). District responses to NCLB: Where is the justice? Leadership and Policy in Schools, 7(2), 178-201.
- Bifulco, R., Cobb, C. D., & Bell, C. (2009). Evaluation of Connecticut’s Interdistrict Magnet Schools. Submitted to the Connecticut State Department of Education.
John Diamond
- Diamond, John, B. & James Huguley. (in press). “Black/White Disparities in Educational Outcomes: Rethinking Issues of Race, Culture, and Context.” In N. E. Hill, T. L. Mann & H. E. Fitzgerald (Eds.), African American Children’s Mental Health: Development and Context. New York: Praeger. (forthcoming)
- Diamond, John B. (2008) “Cultivating a School-Based Discourse that Emphasizes Teachers’ Responsibility for Student Learning” in Mica Pollock, (Ed.) Everyday Antiracism: Concrete Ways to Successfully Navigate the Relevance of Race in School. New York: The New Press. (2008)
- Diamond, John B. (2008). “The Racial Achievement Gap.” International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 2nd edition. Edited by William A. Darity, Jr. Farmington Hills, MI: MacMillan. (2008)
- Diamond, John B. & Kristy Cooper. (2007). “The Uses of Evidence in Urban Elementary Schools: Some Lessons from Chicago” 106(1): 241-263, Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education. (2007)
- Diamond, John B. “Cultivating High Expectations in an Urban Elementary School: The Case of Kelly School.” In James P. Spillane and John B. Diamond (eds.) Distributed Leadership in Practice. New York: Teachers College Press. (2007)
- Diamond, John B. “Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Rethinking the Connection between High Stakes Accountability Policy and Classroom Instruction.” Sociology of Education, 80(4): 285-313. (2007)
- Diamond, John B., Amanda E. Lewis, and Lamont Gordon. “Race, Culture, and Achievement Disparities in a Desegregated Suburb: Reconsidering the Oppositional Culture Explanation” International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, Special Issue: Free Spaces: Excavating Race, Class, and Gender among Urban Schools and Communities. 20(6): 655-680. (2007)
- Spillane, James P. and John B. Diamond (Eds.). Distributed Leadership in Practice. New York: Teachers College Press. (2007)
- Diamond, John B. “Still Separate and Unequal: Examining Race, Opportunity, and School Achievement in “Integrated” Suburbs.” Journal of Negro Education, 75(3): 495-505. (2006)
- Spillane, James. P., John B. Diamond, Jennifer. Z. Sherer, Amy F. Coldren. “Distributing Leadership” In Coles, M & Southworth (eds.), Developing Leadership: Creating the Schools of Tomorrow. Open University Press. (2005)
- Diamond, John B. & James P. Spillane. “High Stakes Accountability in Urban Elementary Schools: Challenging or Reproducing Inequality?” Teachers College Record, Special Issue on Testing, Teaching, and Learning. 106(6): 1140-1171. (2004)
- Diamond, John B. & Kimberly Gomez. “African American Parents’ Orientations toward Schools: The Implications of Social Class and Parents’ Perceptions of Schools.” Education and Urban Society, 36(4): 383-427. (2004)
- Diamond, John B., Antonia Randolph, & James P. Spillane. “Teachers’ Expectations and Sense of Responsibility for Student Learning: The Implications of School Race, Class, and Organizational Habitus.” Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 35(1) 75-98, Special Issue on Race, Power, and the Ethnography of Urban Schools. (2004)
- Spillane, James P., Richard Halverson, & John B. Diamond. “Towards a Theory of Leadership Practice: A Distributed Perspective.” Journal of Curriculum Studies. 36(1): 3-34. (2004)
- Payne, Charles M. & John B. Diamond. “The Comer School Development Process: Developing Leadership in Urban Schools.” In Amanda Datnow and Joseph Murphy (eds.), Leadership for School Reform: Lessons from Comprehensive School Reform Design. Corwin Press. (2003)
- Spillane, James P., John B. Diamond, & Loyiso Jita. “Leading Instructional Innovation: A Distributed Model of Leadership.” Journal of Curriculum Studies, 35(5): 533-543 (2003)
- Spillane, James P., Tim Hallett, & John B. Diamond. “Forms of Capital and the Construction of Leadership: Instructional Leadership in Urban Elementary Schools.” Sociology of Education, 76(1) 1-17. (2003)
- Spillane, James P., John B. Diamond, Patricia Burch, Tim Hallett, Loyiso Jita, & Jennifer Zoltners. “Managing in the Middle: School Leaders and the Enactment of Accountability Policy.” Educational Policy, 16(5): 731-763. (2002)
- Spillane, James P., John B. Diamond, Lisa Walker, & Rich Halverson, & Loyiso Jita. “Urban School Leadership and Elementary Science Instruction: Identifying, Mobilizing, and Activating Resources in a Devalued Subject Area.” Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 38(8): 918-940 (2001)
- Spillane, James P., Richard Halverson, & John B. Diamond. “Investigating School Leadership Practice: A Distributed Perspective.” Educational Researcher, 30(3):23-28. (2001)
- Diamond, John B. “Beyond Social Class: Cultural Resources and Educational Participation Among Low-Income Black Parents.” Berkeley Journal of Sociology: A Critical Review, 44:15-54. (2000)
- Diamond, John B., “Inner Strength: Being African and American,” In D. Schoem (ed.), Inside Separate Worlds: Life Stories of Young Blacks, Jews and Latinos, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. (Autobiographical) (1991)
Erica Frankenberg
- Frankenberg, E., & Jacobsen, R. (accepted for publication). Trends– School Integration Polls. Public Opinion Quarterly.
- Frankenberg, E. (accepted for publication). Exploring Teachers’ Racial Attitudes in a Racially Transitioning Society. Education and Urban Society.
- Frankenberg, E., Siegel-Hawley, G., & Wang, J. (forthcoming). Choice without Equity: Charter School Segregation. Education Policy Analysis Archives.
- Frankenberg, E., & Siegel-Hawley, G. (2010). A Separate Education: The Segregation of American Students and Teachers. Critical Education, 1(7).
- Frankenberg, E. (2010). Exploring the difference in diverse schools’ destinies: A research note. Teachers College Record.
- Frankenberg, E., Taylor, A., and Merseth, K.M. (2010). Walking the walk: Commitment of pre-service teachers to urban education. Urban Education 45(3): 312-346.
- Frankenberg, E. (2009). Splintering school districts: Understanding the link between segregation and fragmentation. Law and Social Inquiry 34 (4): 869-909.
- Frankenberg E. (2009). The demographic context of urban schools and districts. Equity and Excellence in Education 42(3): 255-271.
- Taylor, A., and Frankenberg, E. (2009). Understanding prospective teachers’ commitment to urban education. Equity and Excellence in Education 42(3): 327-346.
- Frankenberg, E. (2009). The segregation of American teachers. Education Policy Analysis Archives 17(1).
- Orfield, G., Frankenberg, E., and Garces, L.M. (2008). Statement of American social scientists of research on school desegregation to the U.S. Supreme Court in Parents Involved v. Seattle School District and Meredith v. Jefferson County. Urban Review 40: 96-136.
- Frankenberg, E., & Siegel-Hawley, G. (in press). Choosing Diversity: School Choice and Racial Integration in the Age of Obama. Stanford Journal on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties 6 (2), 219-252.
- DeBray-Pelot, E. & Frankenberg, E. (2010). Federal Legislation to Promote Metropolitan Approaches to Educational and Housing Opportunity. Georgetown Journal on Poverty Law and Policy, 17(2), 265-286.
- Frankenberg, E., Aden, L. C., & Daye, C. E. (2010). The Future is Now: Legal and Policy Options for Racially Integrated Education. North Carolina Law Review, 88(3), 713-724.
- Frankenberg, E., & Le, C.Q. (2009). The Post-Seattle/Louisville Challenge: Extra-Legal Obstacles to Integration. Ohio State Law Journal, 69 (5), 1015-1072.
- Frankenberg, E. (2009). Metropolitan Schooling and Housing Integration. Journal of Affordable Housing and Community Development Law, 18(2), 195-215.
- Frankenberg, E. and Garces, L.M. (2008). The Use of Social Science Evidence in Parents Involved and Meredith: Implications for Researchers and Schools. Louisville Law Review 46 (1), 703-751.
- Frankenberg, E. (2008). School segregation, desegregation, and integration: What do these terms mean in a post-PICS, racially transitioning society? Seattle Journal for Social Justice 6(2): 553-590.
- Orfield, G., Frankenberg, E., & Siegel-Hawley, G. (2010) Segregation is Failing. Can we find a new path to integrated schools? Educational Leadership 68 (3): 22-27.
- Frankenberg, E., & Siegel-Hawley, G. (2009). Magnets lost in the shuffle. American School Board Journal, 196 (11).
- Frankenberg, E., Siegel-Hawley, G., & Wang, J. (February 2010). Choice without equity: Charter school segregation and the need for civil rights standards. [report] Los Angeles: Civil Rights Project/ Proyecto Derechos Civiles.
- Frankenberg, E., & Siegel-Hawley, G. (November 2009). Equity overlooked: Charter schools and civil rights policy. [report] Los Angeles: Civil Rights Project/ Proyecto Derechos Civiles.
- Chavez, L., & Frankenberg, E. (September 2009). Integration Defended: Berkeley Unified’s Strategy to Maintain School Diversity. [report] Los Angeles: Civil Rights Project/ Proyecto Derechos Civiles.
- Frankenberg, E., & Siegel-Hawley, G. (November 2008). The Forgotten Choice: Rethinking Magnet Schools in a Changing Landscape. [report] Los Angeles: Civil Rights Project/ Proyecto Derechos Civiles.
- Orfield, G., & Frankenberg, E. (January 2008). The Last Have Become First: Rural and Small Town America Lead the Way on Desegregation. [report] Los Angeles: Civil Rights Project/ Proyecto Derechos Civiles.
- Frankenberg, E., with Siegel-Hawley, G. (January 2008). Are Teachers Prepared for America’s Diverse Schools? Teachers Describe their Preparation, Resources and Practices for Racially Diverse Schools. [report] Los Angeles: Civil Rights Project/ Proyecto Derechos Civiles.
Douglas Harris
- Goldrick-Rab, S., Harris, D, & Trostel, P. (accepted for publication). Why money matters (or doesn’t) for college success: An interdisciplinary approach.” J. Smart (Ed) Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research. New York: Springer.”
- Harris, D. (forthcoming). ” Educational outcomes of disadvantaged students: From desegregation to accountability,” In H. Ladd and T. Fiske, AEFA Handbook of Research in Education Finance and Policy. Hillsdale, NJ: Laurence Erlbaum.
- Harris, D. & Adams, S. (2007). “Understanding the level and causes of teacher turnover: A comparison with other professions,” Economics of Education Review, 26, 325-337.”
- Harris, D. (forthcoming). “Class size and school size: Taking the trade-offs seriously,” In Brookings Papers on Education Policy 2006-2007, (eds.) Frederick M. Hess and Tom Loveless. Washington , DC: Brookings Institution.
- Harris, D. and Sass, T. (2007). The Effects of NBPTS-Certified Teachers on Student Achievement. National Center for the Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education Research (CALDER). Working Paper #4. Washington, DC: Urban Institute.
- Harris, D. (2007). “Diminishing marginal returns and the production of education: An international analysis,” Education Economics, 15(1), 31-45.
- Harris, D., Herrington, C., & Albee, A. (2007). “The future of vouchers: Lessons from the adoption, design, and court challenges of Florida’s three voucher programs,” Educational Policy, 21(1), 215-244.
- Harris, D. (2007). “High flying schools, student disadvantage and the logic of NCLB,” American Journal of Education, 113(3), 367-394.
- Harris, D. (2006). Lost Learning, Forgotten Promises: A National Analysis of School Racial Segregation, Student Achievement, and ‘Controlled Choice’ Plans. Center for American Progress, Washington, DC.
- Harris, D.N. & Herrington, C.D. (2006). “Accountability, standards, and the growing achievement gap: Lessons from the past half-century,” American Journal of Education, 112(2), 209-238.
- Glomm, G., Harris, D., & Lo, T. (2005). “Charter school location,” Economics of Education Review, 24(4), 451-457.
- Guthrie, J., Wong, K., & Harris, D. (2004). “A Nation at Risk: A 20-year reappraisal.” (eds.) Special Issue of the Peabody Journal of Education, 19(1).
- Harris, D., Handel, M., & Mishel, L. (2004). “Education and the economy revisited: How schools matter,” Peabody Journal of Education, 19(1), 36-63.
- Harris, D. (2002). “Identifying optimal class sizes and teacher salaries,” In Cost Effectiveness Analysis in Education, (eds.) Henry Levin and Patrick McKewan. Larchmont , NY : American Education Finance Association.
- Harris, D. and Plank, D. (2000). “Cost effective policies for reducing class size and increasing teacher quality,” in Allocating School Resources to Improve Student Performance. Chicago : U.S. Department of Education (North Central Regional Education Laboratory).
Jennifer Jellison Holme
- Holme, J.J., Richards, M., Cohen, R. & Jimerson, J. (2010). Assessing the Effects of High School Exit Exams. Review of Educational Research
- Holme, J.J. & Richards, M. (2009). School Choice and Stratification in a Metropolitan Context: Inter- District Choice and Regional Inequality. Peabody Journal of Education, 84(2),150-171.
- Wells, A.S., Holme, J.J., Revilla, A. & Atanda, A.K. (2009). In Search of Brown: The Unfulfilled Promise of School Desegregation in Six Racially Mixed High Schools. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
- Holme, J.J. & Wells, A.S. (2008). Beyond urban borders: How NCLB could provide meaningful choice to children in failing schools. In R. Kahlenberg (Editor) A Century Foundation Edited Volume on the No Child Left Behind Act. New York: The Century Foundation.
- Holme, J. J. (2008). High stakes diplomas: Organizational responses of California’s high schools to the state’s exit examination requirement, Research in Sociology in Education, 16, 157-188.
- Holme, J. J., Wells, A.S., Revilla, A.R. (2005). Learning through experience: What graduates gained by attending desegregated high schools. Equity and Excellence in Education, 38(1), 14-24.
- Wells, A.S., & Holme, J. J. (2005). No accountability for diversity: Standardized tests and the demise of racially mixed schools. In Boger, J., Edely, C., & Orfield, G. (Eds.), School Resegregation: Must the South turn back?. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press.
- Wells, A.S., Holme, J.J., Atanda, A.K., Revilla, A. (2005). Tackling racial segregation one policy at a time: Why school desegregation only went so far. Teachers College Record, 107(9), 2141-2177.
- Holme, J.J. (2002). Buying homes, buying schools: School choice and the social construction of school quality. Harvard Educational Review, 72(2), 177-205.
Richard Kahlenberg
- Improving on No Child Left Behind: Getting Education Reform Back on Track (2008)
- Public School Choice vs. Private School Vouchers (2003)
- Divided We Fail: Coming Together Through Public School Choice
- The Report of The Century Foundation Task Force on the Common School, Chaired by Lowell Weicker (Executive Director) (2002)
- A Notion at Risk: Preserving Public Education as an Engine for Social Mobility (2000)
- Richard D. Kahlenberg, The Century Foundation, Why It Matters Who Your Classmates Are: A National Perspective (2010)
- Richard D. Kahlenberg, The Century Foundation, Turnaround Schools That Work: Moving Beyond Separate but Equal (2009)
- Richard D. Kahlenberg, The Century Foundation, Socioeconomic and Racial School Integration (2009)
- Richard D. Kahlenberg, The Century Foundation, Can Separate Be Equal? The Overlooked Flaw at the Center of No Child Left Behind (2008)
- Richard D. Kahlenberg, The Century Foundation, Improving On No Child Left Behind: Getting Education Reform Back on Track (2008)
- Richard D. Kahlenberg, The Century Foundation, Fixing No Child Left Behind (2008)
Jamie Lew
- Lew, J. (2007). Asian Americans in New Jersey: Memories and Narratives in the Making. Rutgers University Press.
- Lew, J. (2006). Asian Americans in Class: Charting the Achievement Gap Among Korean American Youth. Teachers College Press. “Burden of Acting Neither White nor Black: Asian American Identities in Context” under review, The Urban Review.
- Lew, J. “A Structural Analysis of High- and Low-Achieving Korean American Youths: Class, Social Capital, Parental Strategies,” Teachers College Record, Vol. 109 (2), 2007.
- Lew, J. “Asian American Identities: Intersection of Class, Race, Schools,” In A.R. Sadovnik, The Sociology of Education Reader, Routledge, 2007.
- Lew, J. (2004). “The ‘Other’ Story of Model Minorities: Korean American High School Dropouts in an Urban Context,” Anthropology and Education Quarterly, Vol. 35 (3) 297-311.
- Lew, J. (2003). “Korean American High School Dropouts: A Case Study of Their Experiences and Negotiations of Schooling, Family, and Communities,” In Sue Books, (Ed.), Invisible Children in the Society and its Schools, Lawrence Erlbaum, pp. 53-66.
- Lew, J. (2003). “(Re) Construction of Second-Generation Ethnic Networks: Structuring Academic Success of Korean American High School Students,” In C. C. Parks, S. J. Lee and A. L. Goodwin (Eds.), Research on the Education of Asian Pacific Americans, Vol. II. Information Age Publishing, pp. 157-176. Lew, J. (in press).
Roslyn Mickelson
- “Integrated Schooling, Life Course Outomes, and Social Cohesion in Multiethnic Democratic Societies.” Review of Research in Education, Vol. 36:197-238, 2012 with Mo Kurumng Nkomo.
- “Integrated Education and Mathematics Outcomes: A Synthesis of Social Science Research” North Carolina Law Review 87, 993-1089, 2010, with Martha Bottia.
- “Goals, Grades, Fears, and Peers.” Teachers College Record, 112 (4): 1-12, 2010.
- “Twenty-first Century Social Science Research on School Diversity and Educational Outcomes” Ohio State Law Journal 69: 1173-1228, 2008.
- “Class and Race Challenges to Community Collaboration for Educational Change.” School/Community Journal, 2008, 18 (2): 29-52, second author with Linwood H. Cousins, Brian Williams, Anne Velasco.
- “The Interactive Effects of Race, Gender, and High School Racial Composition on College Track Placement” Social Forces (82) 2:497-523, 2007, with Stephanie Southworth.
- “Neotracking in North Carolina: How High School Courses of Study Reproduce Race and Class-based Stratification Teachers College Record, 110 (3): 535-570, 2008 with Bobbie Everitt.
- “Editors’ Introduction to the Special Issue on New Perspectives on Youth Development and Social Identity in the 21st Century.” Teachers College Record February 2007, with Ratna Ghosh & Jean Anyon.
- “The Social Science Evidence on the Effects of Diversity in K-12 Schools” in Poverty and Race Sept/October 2007, 12-14
- “Connecting the Pieces of the Puzzle: Gender Differences Among African American Middle School Students.” Journal of Negro Education, 75: 34-48, 2006 with Anthony Green.
- “Segregation and the SAT” Ohio State Law Journal 67: 157-199, 2006.
- “When Opting-Out is Not a Choice; Implications for NCLB from Charlotte, North Carolina.” Equity & Excellence in Education 38: 1-15, 2005, with Stephanie Southworth.
- “Achieving Equality of Educational Opportunity in the Wake of Judicial Retreat from Race Sensitive Remedies: Lessons from North Carolina” American University Law Review 52 (6): 152-184, 2003.
- “The Academic Consequences of Desegregation and Segregation: Evidence from the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools” North Carolina Law Review Vol. 81 (4): 120-165, April, 2003.
- “When are Racial Disparities in Education the Result of Discrimination? A Social Science Perspective.” Teachers College Record, Vol. 105 (6): 1052-1086 August, 2003.
- “Subverting Swann: First- and Second- Generation Segregation in Charlotte, North Carolina” American Educational Research Journal , 38(2): 215-252 , 2001.
- “All That Glitters is Not Gold: The Outcomes of Educational Restructuring in Charlotte, North Carolina” with Stephen S. Smith. Education Evaluation and Policy Analysis , 22:101-127, 2000.
- “The Effects of Segregation on African American High School Seniors’ Academic Achievement” with Damien Heath. Journal of Negro Education, 68 (4): 566-586, 1999.
- “Fear of Falling from Grace: The Middle Class, Downward Mobility, and School Desegregation” Research in Sociology of Education and Socialization, (10): 207-238, 1994, with Carol A. Ray.
- “Integrated Schooling and Preparation for Citizenship in Plural Democratic Societies: Evidence from Social and Behavioral Science, 1980-2010.”in David Garcia, Arnold Danzig, and Kathryn Borman (Eds) Review of Research in Education , AERA, with Mokubung Nkomo, forthcoming 2011.
- “The Math/Science Equity Project: Working With Educators to Increase African American Parental Involvement in Secondary Math and Science Course Placements” in Lea Hubbard & Catherine Hands (Eds), Family and Community Inclusion in Education, with Linwood Cousins, forthcoming 2010.
- “The Chimera of Choice. Post-unitary Charlotte’s Rapid Resegregation” in Claire Smrekar (ed) Court-Ended Desegregation: The Reconstitution of Schools and Communities forthcoming 2009, Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press, with Stephen S. Smith, & Stephanie Southworth.
- “Desegregation.” In Encyclopedia of African American Experience Kofi Lometey (Ed). Newbury Park, CA: SAGE, with Martha Bottia, 2009.
- “The American Sociological Association’s Spivack Project on the Effects of School and Classroom Diversity on Educational Outcomes” in Education for Social Cohesion in Democratic and Multiethnic Societies: A Glolocal Dialogue . Edited by J. Jansen, S. Vandeyar, & M. Nkomo, 2009.
- “Race, Ethnicity, and Education” In Handbook on Education Policy Research David Plank, Barbara Schneider, & Gary Sykes (Eds). Washington, DC: American Educational Research Association, forthcoming 2009.
- “School Choice and Segregation by Race, Class, and Ability” in Gary Miron and Kevin Welner (eds) School Choice, 2008, EPRU Policy Brief, with Martha Bottia and Stephanie Southworth. “Foreword” Pp. i-ivx in John U. Ogbu (2008) Collective Identity and Schooling. New York, Lawrence Erlbaum.
- “Taking Math & Science to Black Parents: Promises and Challenges of a Community-based Intervention for Educational Change.” The power of place: Neighborhoods, schools and social inequality. Yeakey, C. C. & Tate, W.F. (Eds.). Oxford, England: Elsevier, Inc, 2009 forthcoming, with Linwood Cousins, Brian Williams, and Anne Velasco.
- “Undermining Racially Correlated Tracking Through Empowering Minority Parent Involvement. in Everyday Antiracism; Concrete Ways to Successfully Navigate the Relevance of Race in School Mica Pollack (Ed). The New Press, 2008, with Linwood Cousins.
- “Implications for NCLB from Charlotte, North Carolina‘s Experiences with the Transfer Out Option” in Sociological Perspectives on No Child Left Behind Alan Sadovnik (Ed) Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2007, with Stephanie Southworth.
- “School Segregation, Desegregation.” in Encyclopedia of Sociology George Ritzer (Ed), Blackwell. 2007.
- “The Persistent Paradox: Race, Gender, and Adolescents’ Attitudes Toward Achievement” in Minority Status, Identity, and Schooling , John U. Ogbu (Ed), Lawrence Erlbaum, 2008 .
- “Bring It On. Diverse Responses to “Acting White” Among Academically Able African Americans,” in Beyond Acting White: Reassessments and New Directions in Research on Black Students and School Success, Erin McNamara Horvat & Carla O’Connor ( Eds), 2006, New York: Teachers College Press.
- “The Incomplete Desegregation of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools” in Resegregation of the American South Jack Boger, and Gary Orfield (Eds), Chapel Hill: North Carolina University Press. 2005
- “Maximizing Choice and Diversity in Public Education” in School Choice and Student Diversity: Examining the Evidence, Janelle Scott (Ed), Teachers College Press, 2005.
- “How Tracking Undermines Race Equity in Desegregated Schools.” in Bringing Equity Back In, Amy Stuart Wells and Janice Petrovich (Eds), Teachers College Press, 2005.
- “White Privilege in a Desegregated School System” in The End of Desegregation? Carl Bankston and Steven Caldas (Eds), New York: Basic Books 2003.
Pedro Noguera
- Noguera, P. A., Aida Hurtado and Edward Fergus (Eds.) (2011) Understanding and Responding to the Disenfranchisement of Latino Males: Invisible No More. New York: Routledge.
- Noguera, P. A. and A. Wade Boykin (2011) Closing the Achievement: From Research to Practice. Washington, D.C.: ASCD.
- Noguera, P.A., William Ayers, Gloria Ladson Billings and David Stovall (Eds.) (2008) City Kids, City Schools. New York: New Press.
- Noguera, P. A. (2008) The Trouble With Black Boys and Other Reflections on Race, Equity and the Future of Public Education (Wiley and Sons).
- Noguera, P., Ginwright, S., and Camarota, J. (Eds.). (2006). Beyond Resistance!: Youth Activism and Community Change . New York: Routledge.
- Noguera, P. A., & Wing, J. Y. (Eds.). (2006). Unfinished Business: Closing the Achievement in Our Schools . San Francisco: Josey Bass.
- Noguera, P. and Carlos Alberto Torres (Eds.) (2008). Reinventing Paulo Freire. London: Sense Publishers
- Noguera, P. A. (2003) City Schools and the American Dream: Fulfilling the Promise of Public Education . New York: Teachers College.
- Noguera, P. (2006). A Critical Response to Michael Fullan’s “The Future of Educational Change: System Thinkers in Action. Journal of Educational Change, Spring.
- Noguera, P. (2006) “Education, Immigration and the Future of Latinos in the United States” in Journal of Latino Studies, volume 5, number 2.
- Noguera, P. (2006) “How Listening to Students can Help High Schools to Improve”. Theory Into Practice.
- Goldstein, J. and P. Noguera (2006) “Cultivating Good Teaching: Providing Instructional Leadership Through Teacher Peer Assistance and Review” in Education Leadership, March.
- Ginwright, S. J. Camarota and P. Noguera (2005) Youth, Social Justice and Urban Communties. Journal of Social Justice. Vol. 32, No. 3
- Noguera, P. and R. Cohen (2006) “Patriotism and Accountability”. Phi Delta Kappan. Spring.
- Noguera, P.A. (2005) “School Reform and Second Generation Discrimination: Toward the Development of Bias-free and Equitable Schools”. Sage Journal Race Relations. Vol. 30, No. 3, August 2005.
- Noguera, P.A. (2004) “Transforming High Schools” in Educational Leadership, Vol 61, No. 8, May.
Also appeared in the “Best of Education Leadership” 2005.
- Noguera, P. A. (2004) “Racial Segregation and the Limits of Local Control in Oakland” in Teachers College Record, Fall 2004.
- Noguera, P.A. (2004) “Social Capital and the Education of Immigrant Students: Categories and Generalizations” in Sociology of Education, Vol. 77, No. 2, April 2004.
- Blankstein, A. and Noguera, P.A. (2004) “Reclaiming the Promise of Public Education” in School Administrator Journal. May.
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sean reardon
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Vanessa Siddle Walker
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Linda Tropp
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Amy Stuart Wells
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