Youth Organization Exchange


IntegrateNYC (NY)

Building Bridges (CO)


September 18th (registered participants):

The Possibility Project (NY)

NY Appleseed (NY)

Looking In Theatre (CT)

  • Book re: Looking In (info on Amazon)

Youth Celebrate Diversity (CO)

EPIC Theatre Ensemble (NY)

Creative Reaction Lab (MO)

Hartbeat Ensemble (CT)

Birmingham Civil Rights Institute (AL)

Maryland Institute College of Art, Center for Social Design (discussing collaboration with Wide Angle Youth Media)(MD)


September 25th (registered participants):

National Center for Youth Law (CA)

Sub/Urban Justice (MA)

RE-Center (CT) [formerly The Discovery Center]

Connecticut Human Rights and Youth Action Summit at UCONN (CT)

Students for Education Reform (NC)

Seeds of Peace (NY/ME)

Youth Justice Project, Southern Coalition for Social Justice (NC)

Roc2Change (NY)

The Research Hub for Youth Organizing and Education Policy (CO)

Project Voyce (CO)

Richmond Peace Education Center (VA)