NCSD Newsletter Archives

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Previous NCSD Newsletters

  • June 2024: What was the impact of Brown on Black teachers outside of the South?




  • March 2024: Film Screening & Discussion 4/4: Brown v. Board of Education’s Impact on Black Educators


  • February 2024: NCSD Issues Joint Statement on SCOTUS Order in TJ Case


  • January 2024: Join us for Brown COLORS the Board of Education Game Night 2/6!


  • December 2023: New Rulings in Minnesota Desegregation and Boston Specialized Schools Cases


  • November 2023: New Fact Sheet on Overview of Legal Challenges to Specialized Schools


  • October 2023: ED Announces First-Ever Fostering Diverse Schools Grantees



  • August 2023: P&R Live: Exploring the Nuances of Property Taxes, School Boundaries, and Educational Inequity


  • July 2023: The Interconnection Between School Finance and Segregation


  • June 2023: NCSD Stands Firm in Defense of Diversity Amid SCOTUS Ruling


  • May 2023: Dep’t of Education Announces $10M “Fostering Diverse Schools” Demonstration Grant Program


  • April 2023: Brown 69th Anniversary Activities and First-Ever #CiteNite


  • March 2023: Magnet Schools Assistance Program Competition Notice and Fostering Diverse Schools Program


  • February 2023: New Fact Sheet on Transportation Barriers to School Integration


  • January 2023: New NCSD Research Brief on School Accountability Systems and Segregation


  • December 2022: Results of NCSD’s FY 23 Appropriations Advocacy + Happy New Year!


  • November 2022: Help Us Reach Our Giving Tuesday Goal; NYU Metro Center Launches Real Integration Hub


  • October 2022: 11/3 Brown Lecture DC Watch Party; ED Awards $116M to Support Equity and Integration


  • September 2022: PRRAC is Hiring; New Findings on School Integration Fact Sheet


  • August 2022: AIR’s Integration and Equity 2.0 Call for Essays; NCSD Summer Intern Spotlight


  • July 2022 – Join Us 8/2 for #BetweenTheLines; Updates on Legal Challenges to Admissions Policies


  • June 2022 – Keeping Score: New podcast series from The Bell, Reflections on PICS


  • May 2022 – New Field-Wide Calendar; Amicus Brief in Support of School Diversity in VA; Edu Requests for FY23 Approps, & much more!


  • April 2022 – Update Re: Challenges to School Integration in Virginia, & much more!


  • March 2022 – New NCSD Research Brief, Policy Update, & much more!


  • February 2022 – Movement Milestones Campaign, CRDC Improvement Letter, Ed Funding Opportunities, & much more!


  • January 2022 – CECR Virtual Conversation – 2/2, Historic Agreement Reached on Sheff, and much more!


  • December 2021 –  Epic Theatre Ensemble Presents “Between the Lines”; Remembering bell hooks; and it’s never too late to donate!


  • November 2021 –  Maintaining Hope Amid Racial Terrorism; #GivingTuesday; RFP for Graphic Designer


  • October 2021 – Video: Cross-Movement Convos – School Discipline and (De)segregation; Othering & Belonging Institute: Presents Convo w/ john a. powell and Sheryll Cashin (11/5)


  • September 2021 –  Cross-Movement Convos – School Discipline and (De)segregation on 10/20; and much more!


  • August 2021 – Integrated Schools Explores “Learning in Public”; SD Notebook & NCSD Introduce #CiteNite


  • July 2021 – NCSD Weighs in on School Discipline; Strength in Diversity Act Advances in House


  • June 2021 – Housing-Schools Nexus Resources; Funding for High-Poverty Schools


  • May 2021 – New NCSD Report; Strategic Planner for NCSD


  • April 2021 – New Steering Committee; Fifty State Conversation (5/17)


  • March 2021 – IS Podcast Feat. Heather McGhee; Sec. Cardona to Keynote MSA Nat’l Conference


  • February 2021 – #ActivistsXAcademics Videos; MA Integration Bills; SID Act Update


  • January 2021 – School Integration Priorities; Teens Take Charge and CRP Present Activists x Academics Summit (2/13)


  • December 2020 –  GEPA 426; 10 Ways the Biden Admin Can Prioritize Integration


  • November 2020 –  #GivingTuesday; Two New Reports on VA integration; Local Timelines Project


  • October 2020 – “Nothing About Us” 11/9; Building Relationships Across Difference; Opportunities to Move School Diversity Forward


  • September 2020 – Strength in Diversity Act passes House; Censorship of Antiracist Trainings; Admin Seeks to Politicize Desegregation Funding


  • August 2020 – New CARES Act Policy Brief; Housing-Schools Nexus; Back to School During the Time of Covid


  • July 2020 – Centering Equity in Uncertainty, #SegregationisKillingUs, #ThurgoodWasRight



  • May 2020 – #JusticeforFloyd, Brown v. Board of Anniv; #KnowBetterDoBetter


  • April 2020 – #NCSD2020 Virtual Conference; #FilltheDivide




  • January 2020 – Remembering Courtney Everts Mykytyn; Beloved Community Seeking School Partners.


  • December 2019 – National Conference Next Year; Help Us Meet Our Fundraising Goal; Dem Pres. Candidates on Ed Equity


  • November 2019 – New Reports from NCSD and CECR, EPIC in Baltimore and DC, LPI Hill Briefing Video


  • October 2019 –  Epic Theatre Ensemble in Baltimore (11/4), Congressional Briefing (11/14), Membership Applications Open


  • September 2019 – RAP Member Sean Reardon Research, RAP member Rucker Johnson Speaks at Harvard, RAP Member Erica Frankenberg Releases Report on School Secession


  • August 2019 – The Lines Between Us event, Major Developments in NYC, #DefendCivilRights Campaign


  • July 2019Milliken@45: #ThurgoodWasRight, Busing aka School Integration, Democratic Presidential Primary School Diversity Platforms Update


  • June 2019 – The State of Integration 2018, NCSD Bay Area Listening Tour, New Century Foundation Report


  • May 2019 – Strength in Diversity Act Markup, Brown@65 Compendium, We Gon’ Be Alright Docuseries


  • April 2019 – U.S. House Education & Labor Committee Hearing, ERASE Racism Event, Brown@65 Events


  • March 2019  – NCSD/Century Foundation Hill Briefing, New Book from Mira Debs, Brown @65 Events


  • February 2019  –  NCSD’s Policy Agenda, Learning Policy Institute’s Panel Discussion and New Reports, EdBuild Releases New Report


  • January 2019 – Phi Delta Kappan’s “School in Segregated in America,” Century Foundation School Leaders’ Integration Toolkit



  • October 2018 – NYC Epic Theatre Performance, New Podcast from Integrated Schools


  • September 2018 – New NCSD Research Brief, the Strength in Diversity Act


  • August 2018 -NCSD Capitol Hill Briefing, NCSD 2018-2020 Strategic Plan, New NCSD Member Groups


  • May 2018 – New NCSD Research Brief, 64th Anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education


  • April 2018 – IntegrateNYC’s #StillNotEqual Youth Campaign, Integrated Schools Virtual Book Club, NCSD’s first-ever Twitter Townhall


  • March 2018 – Integrate NYC’s Movement for Integration, #Strike301and302, NCSD Mourns Linda Brown


  • February 2018 – The Kerner Commission @50: Race & Inequality in America, Gardendale Secession, School Diversity in New York State


  • January 2018  – Integrated Schools Book Club, Connecting Housing and Schools, New Report from IDRA – EAC South, New Sillerman Center Report


  • December 2017  –  New York City Council Education Committee Oversight Hearings on “Diversity in New York City Schools,” Richard Rothstein Book Tour Continues, Integrated Schooling, Strategies and Benefits for Diverse Learning


  • November 2017 – NCSD Leads Challenge to Anti-Integration Appropriations Language, Civil Rights Groups Respond to Department of Education’s New Proposed Supplemental Priorities, ERASE Racism Conference Follow-Up, Disrupting the Reciprocal Relationship Between Housing and School Segregation, New Campaign for Educational Equity Initiative


  • October 2017 – Diversity Removed from U.S. Dept. of Education Proposed Priorities, NCSD Research Brief 12 Released, NCSD Conference Recap, NCSD Welcomes Four New Members, Senators Send Letter to Secretary DeVos, Urging Action on Hate in Schools


  • September 2017 – Civil Rights Community Responses to the Department of Education’s Regulatory Review, NCSD Conference Update, MSAP Grants Awarded


  • August 2017 – NCSD Research Brief 11 Released, U.S. Dept. of Education Regulatory Review, Confronting School and Housing Segregation in Richmond Report


  • July 2017 – NCSD Strategic Planning Commences, NCSD Conference Registration Opens, Senators Call on DeVos to Ensure Students’ Civil Rights, House Committee Education Appropriations Bill Lacks Voucher Support


  • June 2017Parents Involved Turns 10, Plyler Turns 35, New York School Diversity Progress, Building ESSA Plans for Equity and Opportunity Webinar


  • May 2017 – Federal Education Budget Updates, The Equity and Inclusion Enforcement Act Introduced, Diversity in New York’s ESSA Plan


  • April 2017 – New York Considers School Diversity Strategies Under ESSA, Vouchers in the News, Civil Rights Community Responds to Candice Jackson Appointment


  • March 2017 – DeVos pulls funding for Opening Doors, Expanding Opportunities; New NCSD Research Brief Examines Complementary Benefits of Racial and Socioeconomic Diversity in Schools; NCSD Welcomes Two New Members


  • February 2017 – New NCSD “Field Report” Profiles Equity Work in Maryland, DeVos Confirmation Reaction, NCSD 2017 Conference Announcement and Save the Date


  • January 2017 – DeVos Vote Delayed, Final Acts from the Obama Department of Education, Member Spotlight: Magnet Schools of America, Columbia Teachers College Summer Institute for Teaching the New Majority


  • December 2016 – DeVos Nominated for Secretary of Education, NYC Councilman Proposes Office of School Diversity, NCSD Members Speak Out Regarding Civil Rights and the Election, New Grants from U.S. Department of Education


  • November 2016 – NCSD Statement Regarding the Election of Donald Trump, School Integration Conference in Detroit, New York City Releases Second Annual School Diversity Report, NCSD Releases Updated Research Brief 5


  • October 2016 – School Diversity in Action Conference, New NCSD Issue Brief 7


  • September 2016 – A preview of Ending Zero Tolerance: The Crisis of Absolute School Discipline, Non-Regulatory Guidance: Using Evidence to Strengthen Education Investments, Non-Regulatory Guidance: English Learners and Title III, What Works Clearinghouse Website Updated


  • August 2016 – Every Student Succeeds Act Regulatory Action, U.S. Secretary of Education Promotes the Stronger Together School Diversity Initiative in Hartford, CT, Magnet Schools of America Fights for Magnet Funding


  • July 2016 – Stronger Together Bill Introduced, The Spirit of Brown, MSAP Funding in Trouble, Student Activism in NYC, School Desegregation and Accountability


  • June 2016 – Stronger Together Hill Briefing, Diversity and Opportunity Listening Session, and Joint Letter from ED, HUD, and DOT, Fisher v. Texas Decision, New Civil Rights Data Collection Set, New OCR Report: Delivering Justice, ESSA: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, New Proposed SES Priority for Discretionary Grant Programs


  • May 2016 – NCSD Hill Briefing in Support of Stronger Together and MSAP Funds, New NCSD Issue Brief 6: Prioritizing School Integration in ESSA State Implementation Plans, New Report on Increasing Segregation from the Government Accountability Office, New Charter Schools Program Grant Competition


  • April 2016 – School Integration in the 2016 “i3” Funding Competition!, NCSD Advocating for Stronger Together and Increased Magnet Schools Assistance Program Funds, Struggle and Success in Loudoun County Rezoning, Call for Reviewers: Magnet School Assistance Program Applications, Two NCSD Presentations at Magnet Schools of America’s national conference, “Riding the Wave: The Future is Now”


  • March 2016 – NCSD Support for Maryland Education Development Collaborative, Civil Rights Statement of Support for Robust and Meaningful Federal Regulation and Oversight in ESSA, New Report from New York Appleseed, ERASE Racism in the press


  • February 2016 – Every Student Succeeds Act Becomes Law, Magnet Schools Funding Receive Increase in 2016 Omnibus, Changes to Magnet Schools Assistance Program in ESSA, A New Wave of School Integration, How Racially Diverse Schools and Classrooms Can Benefit All Students


  • November 2015 – New NCSD Research Brief Explores Interdistrict Integration Programs and Regional Equity, NCSD Letter Urges Appropriations Committee to Continue Funding Magnet Schools Assistance Program


  • April 2015 – Milliken, Meredith, and Metropolitan Segregation, A Better Start: Why Classroom Diversity Matters in Early Education, NCSD Welcomes Two New Members, Connecticut School Integration: Moving Forward as the Northeast Retreats, Linking Housing and School Integration Policy: What Federal, State and Local Governments Can Do


  • January 2015 – Socioeconomic Integration Pilot Program in New York State, NCSD’s “Tools for Teachers” Webinar Available Online, Proposals for ESEA Reauthorization Introduced, New Guidance on the Rights of English Learners


  • December 2014 – New website; First NCSD webinar, NYC City Council Takes Action on Segregated Schools; NCSD Members Weigh in on Recent Events in Ferguson, NYC, and Beyond


  • September 2014 – U.N. Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) Committee’s report contains important findings and recommendations on school segregation in the US


  • June 2014 – Good Intentions, Limited Impact: The Technical Assistance for Student Assignment Plans Program; Socioeconomic diversity priority to be added to DOE competitive grant programs; Senate Appropriations Subcommittee Says No to RTTT Equity and Opportunity


  • February 2014 – Students Discuss Segregation and Educational Opportunity on Nickelodeon News; Maximizing Walkability, Diversity, and Educational Equity in U.S. Schools; “Segregation in NYC District Elementary Schools and What We Can Do About It” Released by NY Appleseed


  • January 2014 – Administrators Speak Out About Resegregation, Furman Center Launches “The Dream Revisited” Blog, Magnet Schools of America National Conference


  • December 2013 – NYC-Based Education Funders Research Initiative Report Includes Diversity Recommendation, Recent Policy Memo Analyzes Louisiana Voucher/Desegregation Dispute


  • July 2013 – Recent DOE Letter Clarifies Permissible Use of FRL Data in Wake County, NC; James Ryan to Become Next Dean of Harvard’s Graduate School of Education


  • June 2013 – Race to the Top District Competition


  • January 2013 – ONI Profile of Nebraska’s Learning Community, NCSD to DOE: Why Isn’t Diversity Prioritized in Investing in Innovation Funding?, MSAP Funding Notice


  • November 2012 – New NCSD Research Brief on the Benefits of Diversity for White Students; “Do Federally Assisted Households Have Access to High Performing Public Schools?” New from PRRAC; NCSD Welcomes Three New Members


  • September 2012 – Civil Rights Project Reports Deepening Segregation, Challenges Educators and Political Leaders to Develop Positive Policies; Does School Diversity Appear in the Party Platforms?; America’s Racially Diverse Suburbs: Opportunities and Challenges; NCSD Policy Brief: “Federal Support for School Integration: A Status Report”


  • May 2012 – “Advancing the Legacy of Mendez and Brown” Agenda and Registration


  • May 2012 – Update on Advancing the Legacy of Mendez and Brown


  • May 2012 – Feeling energized after last Thursday’s NCSD conference!


  • April 2012 – Register for the NCSD Conference on May 17


  • February 2012 – “The Future of School Integration” Event, NCSD Experts Testify at Minnesota DOE, New NCSD Policy Brief “Reviving Magnet Schools: Strengthening A Successful Choice Option”


  • November 2011 – NCSD Members Issue Statement on Student Assignment in Eden Prairie, MN; National Conference on School Diversity


  • June 2011 – NCSD Members Submit Letter on Student Assignment in Wake County, Parent Organizing and The Challenge for Equity and Access in New York City


  • April/May 2011 – New Manual Seeks to Help Suburban Communities Develop Integration Policies, NCSD Members Participate in Conference on School Closings, NCSD and the Reauthorization of ESEA


  • March 2011 – Updated NCSD Website, NCSD Urges Diversity Preference for Second i(3) Competition, Colbert Show Addresses “Disintegration” in Wake County, Merger in Memphis


Research Network Emails

  • Spring 2013 – Rucker Johnson Joins NCSD’s Research Advisory Panel; “Original Intent: Black Educators in an Elusive Quest for Justice; Upcoming Events in Richmond, VA